Over 40 years, NAVTEK has grown into a highly specialist naval engineering, design and shipbuilding company, guided by a commitment to technological excellence and an innovative forward-looking approach. NAVTEK is a well experienced company in the maritime sector and in innovative marine technologies including energy, fully electrical marine vessels, renewable energy, low carbon shipping-port development.
NAVTEK Naval Technologies Inc. is a R&D based naval engineering and design company committed to transforming the carbon intensive shipping to near-future zero-emission maritime sector. www.navtek.net
The electrification for marine vessels has now been considered as a proven technology contributing to a decarbonised sustainable maritime sector. We are witnessing a fast-evolving climate friendly global technological shift that requires more integrated approaches entailing alternative fuels, wind and solar energy, renewable hydrogen, fuel-cell technologies, zero emission dockyards, autonomous vessels and many more to overcome the evidence based expected ecological catastrophe.
ZEE-TECH represents the new generation green and high technology by being re-chargeable and fully electric with almost no noise and vibration. This innovative design allows the vessels to operate powerful with higher efficiency in line with not harming the environment.
The NAVTEK rechargeable and all electric battery driven technology can be adapted to any short distance operation profiled vessel (ferry, sea-taxi, workboats and such). NAVTEK’s expertise also includes conversion and refit.

The world’s first rechargeable and all-electric tugboat ZEETUG (zero emission electric tug) is designed and built by NAVTEK, and has been delivered in early 2020. ZEETUG was the outcome of one and a half years of research and development project carried out by NAVTEK successfully, which resulted in world’s first tugboat that can operate with no emission and no noise.
ZEETUG is also so silence that it allows operations even in the ports located within residential districts also at late time operations.
ZEETUG is a smart harbor tugboat; a power efficient electric tugboat, capable of managing its energy and reach on longer distances.
This innovative design allows the vessels to operate full power with a higher instant torque and efficiency without harming the environment. With the aid of the modular system ZEETUG can be custom build from 5T BP up to 80T BP.

The LEEPORT (Low Emission Electric Port) is the first stage of future ZEEPORT (zero emission electric port) that aims to reduce the GHG emissions by decoupling economic development and GHG emissions in ports.
The next step of this innovative project is to further develop into zero emission, renewable energy surplus producer port. The port will produce its renewable energy combined with different renewable technologies, such as PV; wind, biomass, hydrogen storage, fully electrical ZEETUGs and such…. The LEEPORT project is an integrated approach that encapsulates nature protection, water resource management, marine ecology, waste and air quality and strong stakeholder participation. A preliminary feasibility has been carried out by NAVTEK…

NAVTEK’s 40 years of solid experience and know-how will be instrumental for the realisation of 6.2MW and 12.2MW wind turbines under the SEAWIND project. We are a member of an international consortium who has applied for a grant under the EU Green Deal programme 2021 calls. Within its capacity, NAVTEK will further develop, marine engineering and design of an innovative floating offshore foundation, including manufacturing and assembling and testing of the offshore floating foundation and tower.
With ever growing pollution it now becomes obvious that the planet starts to suffocate. Green technology, also known as sustainable technology, takes into account the long- and short-term impact something has on the environment. The green technology can help significantly reduce pollution. Thus, NAVTEK continue to study on alternative fuels, solutions & technologies.
Contact Information:
Teknopark İstanbul, İstanbul, Turkey
+90 216 493 29 24
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