This industry-leading workshop will take place in Amsterdam on 20th of June 2022, following ZESTAs Annual General Meeting.
The ground-breaking ShipZERO 26 workshop brought together voices and stakeholders from across the entirety of the shipping industry to collaborate on driving down emissions to True Zero.
Insightful presentations, underpinned by powerful collaborative workshops, generated a sense of purpose – and possibility – when it comes to achieving True Zero.
Now, ZESTAs seeks to make possibility a reality with the next edition of ShipZERO: “We’ve got the power!”
ShipZERO 26.5 will provide an opportunity for shipping industry innovators and first movers to regroup and focus on the vital changes required to avoid a climate catastrophe.
This workshop will feature cutting-edge discussions such as:
- Raising venture capital and securing pre-orders for Hydrofoil, electric and hydrogen vessels Electra and Argo
Jeremy Osborne, CTO and Founder, Boundary Layer Technologies
- Combining wind propulsion and green hydrogen to achieve true zero-emissions – vessel Liberty
Brian Boserup, CEO and Founder, Blue Technology
- Panel on raising capital for innovation funding
Moderated by Stuart MacDonald, Managing Partner at Bride Valley Partners
With more speakers to be added and opportunities to network with some of the brightest minds in shipping, this is not a workshop to be missed.
For sponsorship opportunities email contact@zestas.org
Further details, including venue and agenda, will be announced over the coming weeks.
Show your interest in attending the latest edition of ShipZERO in Amsterdam on 20th of June 2022.
Registration to be made available at a later date.
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