About the company
Genevos is a specialist in hydrogen and fuel cell systems integration for the maritime sector. The company’s unique value proposition is in the deployment of a marine engineered Complete H2-Pack, simplifying the clean energy transition.

Products & services
Genevos offers a practical and modular marine fuel cell solution for zero emissions power. The Hydrogen Power Modules (HPM) are stackable up to multi-MW scale, and are certified to the highest standards of commercial operation. Featured in the Genevos Complete H2-Pack, the HPMs are fully-integrated with Balance of Plant simplifying the installation and vessel certification process for clients.
Our award-winning technology revolutionises maritime power by supplying a low weight and low volume solution with high scalability and redundancy. This modular solution can be applied across the maritime sector to decarbonise vessels through primary, hybrid or auxiliary integration in small to large vessels including service vessels, work-boats, ferries, uncrewed surface vessels, inland transport and shipping.

Genevos goes further to simplify the energy transition for clients through the provision of a Complete H2-Pack featuring design engineering services, hydrogen storage & supply, power management, commissioning & installation, remote monitoring & optimisation, and annual service.

Marine certified system:
A solution made safe & simple for integrators & OEMs.
This modular drop-in solution offers high scalability and redundancy, whilst operating with no vibration, reducing maintenance requirements and conforming to zero emission regulations.
- AiP marine commercial certification
- Type Approval in progress