SAILCARGO INC. is a zero emission shipping company with a focus on building traditional sail powered ships in Costa Rica.
Eliminating fossil fuels from the maritime sector is achievable by using advanced technology and simple techniques.
We combine innovative, clean technologies with readily-available, low-cost, natural systems to create solutions for a range of needs: from supporting vulnerable coastal communities to moving commodities at global scale.

Traditional Sailing Ships
By using traditional sailing ships SAILCARGO INC. offers unique value added shipping services. We are a group of shipwrights, carpenters, business professionals and sailors. Ceiba is our effort to inspire change in the industry to which we have devoted our lives. Ceiba is a sustainably-constructed vessel that will carry cargo, 100% emission-free. When operational in 2022 she will be the world’s largest, active, clean ocean-going cargo vessel. She will elevate the existing sail cargo movement to a new level while bringing attention to the harmful and pollutive practices of the global shipping industry.
Products and Route
We will focus on shipping sustainably produced goods from Central and South America up to United States and Canada.
This trip can be made twice annually with all northbound voyages already full.

Our first ship CEIBA
Ceiba is a cargo vessel designed to carry 250 tons of goods. Harnessing the power of the wind SAILCARGO’s first vessel proves the value of clean shipping in a competitive market.
With classic forms and applied knowledge from the culmination of 5,000+ years of evolution in the art of sail, Ceiba is the pinnacle of working sail traditions and modern design.
Ceiba’s lines are paired with state of the art propulsion engineering and longlasting build materials to make her the base of an efficient, profitable, and sustainable shipping model.

Shareholder Owned
Purchase stock in our ship, Ceiba, to share in our future profits while making a change in the world. Join the movement and prove the value of clean shipping.

Green Shipyard
We have built our green shipyard, AstilleroVerde, from the ground up to meet our sustainable requirements and to give back to the local community.

Challenging The Industry
We want to challenge industry standards through an outright sustainable, business model. Get to know us and read our business plan to find out how our business adopted tradition with modern market requirements.

Wooden Hull For Sustainability
Ceiba is a wooden hulled ship with the majority of its construction material harvested from sustainable sources. This means we can easily build a net zero emission ship using regenerative practices. This is an ultra-low impact construction method which makes it a highly resilient and replicable business model.

Net Zero Emission Shipyard
Our non-profit branch manages a tree planting program to offset our emissions. They also offer community education courses such as small boat building, community garden development and general workshops.

Powered By The Wind
Ceiba is a three masted wooden cargo schooner which will have an auxiliary electric engine for low winds and ports. It is traditionally rigged with 14 sails and and crew of 12.