When, Where, and How is Absolute Zero Shipping Possible Now?
Members Media Kit
11-12 Sept 2023
International Maritime Organization
4 Albert Embankment, London SE1 7SR, United Kingdom
social media card
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Please add a link to the event: https://zestas.org/shipzero28
Social Media Captions
- Join Shipping’s Voyage to Absolute Zero. Click here to register your interest: Register your Interest Now! – ZESTAs
- All aboard @ShipZero28 – When, Where, and How, is Absolute Zero Shipping Possible Now? www.shipzero28.org
- Align with Absolute Zero. Partner with @ShipZERO28! www.shipzero28.org
- Join shipping initiators to plot a course through stormy seas of regulation, finance and fuel uncertainty to become a foundational partner in the navigational chart: “Voyage to Absolute Zero”. www.shipzero28.org
- Solve real shipowner challenges together and accelerate zero emissions shipping at ShipZERO28 www.shipzero28.org
@ShipZero28 Outcomes:
- Action road map to Absolute Zero
- Navigational Chart to True Zero
- ShipZERO28 Outcomes Report
- Outcomes report
- Who participated?
- What did we achieve?
- What are the next steps?
- COP28 Policy paper
- Available ZE technologies
- Impact of ZE technologies in mitigating climate change
- Recommendations on policy to accelerate the market proliferation of ZE technologies
#ShipZero28 #AbsoluteZero #AbsoluteZeroHero #ZESTAs #COP28 #LISW23 #IMO
#SustainableShipping #maritimeindustry #maritime #decarbonisation #zeroemission #renewableenergy #climatechange #climatechangemitigation #climatepolicy #regulations #energytransition #shipping #cargo #cleanenergy #ghg #emissions #greenhydrogen #greenfinance #futureproofinvestment #climatefinance #greeneconomy #ocean #energy #TrueZero
Linkedin post
We are supporting @Zero Emissions Ship Technology Association (ZESTAs) to accelerate zero emissions shipping at ShipZERO28: “When, Where, and How is Absolute Zero Shipping Possible Now?”, 11-12th September.
Meet the new players reshaping the energy and shipping sectors at @International Maritime Organization Headquarters during @London International Shipping Week 2023 to solve real shipowner challenges together.
Join us at ShipZERO28: “When, where and how is zero emissions shipping possible now?”
Register your interest now: https://zestas.org/shipzero28/register-you-interest-now/
See confirmed speakers and more at www.shipzero28.org
Register before midnight on Friday, 4th of August to unlock your Early Bird discount.
#ShipZero28 #AbsoluteZero #AbsoluteZeroHero #ZESTAs #COP28 #LISW23 #IMO
Twitter post
Exciting News! We have joined ZESTAs as a Supporting Partner at ShipZERO28, the event and workshop accelerating zero emission shipping!
When: 11-12th September
Where: @London International Shipping Week 2023, @IMO
Meet new players reshaping the shipping sector!
Register now: zestas.org/shipzero28/register-your-interest-now
Hurry! Grab Early Bird discount by registering before midnight on Friday, 4th August.
See confirmed speakers at www.shipzero28.org
#ShipZero28 #AbsoluteZero #ZESTAs #COP28 #LISW23 #IMO
Don’t forget to tag @zestas in your posts
Quotes from Press Releases
The simple truth is the time for discussion is past - nothing remains but for us to act.
Wind assisted technology makes all other technologies more feasible. The answer is blowing by the wind!
We will have all of the solutions required for this change in the room. Not only the technology providers, but also the enablers- so policy, insurance, finance, people in the energy supply chains.
We are now hitting climate tipping points triggering feedback loops. Now is the time to prepare for the extreme regulations that will inevitably come into place.
SHIP ZERO is the start of a journey.
This is not a commercial event. This is a workshop.
We’re bringing the IMO with us. The IMO will be engaged in this event and we will take what comes out of this event directly to the IMO. We’re working very closely with the IMO on this.
If shipping is looking for that silver bullet, ZESTAs has a fully loaded chamber and we’re ready to fire.
We've got to find a solution that actually is going to function for all stakeholders for zero emissions shipping to occur.
The outcome will be an action plan, a navigational chart to true zero with waypoints based on realisable actions and available technologies and implementable policies.
11-12 Sept 2023
International Maritime Organization
4 Albert Embankment, London SE1 7SR, United Kingdom
E-blast and Advert Banners
Click on the image to download and save to your computer
Please add a link to the event: https://zestas.org/shipzero28