
Charging to True Zero

What did ‘Ship ZERO°’ deliver?

Ship ZERO°’ laid out a course to true zero emissions using the waypoints of existing technologies and innovations, combining perspectives and experiences from a wide range of industry stakeholders to plot a course through the stormy seas of regulation, finance, new technological developments and fuel uncertainty. The first deliverable was a policy paper which was shared with COP26 delegates. The final deliverable will be a collaborative and interactive navigational chart (‘Charging to True Zero°’), which will be shared with COP26 delegates, shipping and energy industry stakeholders, as well as delivered to the IMO, in both written report and film formats.

Ship ZERO° Highlights

“A healthy planet requires a healthy ocean, a healthy ocean requires clean shipping.”

Peter Thomson, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Fiji to the United Nations, UNSG’s Special Envoy for the Ocean.

Múte Bourup Egede, Prime Minister of Greenland ; Brent Perry, CEO, SHIFT Clean Energy ; Graeme Dey, Minister for Transport, Scottish Government.

ShipZERO, Closing remarks

SHIFT – Introducing PowerSwäp


Hybrid Event

1,2,3 Nov 2021

Glasgow, United Kingdom

Produced by: The Zero Emissions Ship Technology Association


Day 1 – Zero Emission Ships and Zero Emission Systems

08:00 Registration and light breakfast

09:00- 09:05 Chairs Opening Remarks – Madadh MacLaine, Secretary-General ZESTAs

09:05 – 09:20 Keynote address

“A healthy planet requires a healthy ocean, a healthy ocean requires clean shipping.”

Peter Thomson, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Fiji to the United Nations as well as the UNSG’s Special Envoy for the Ocean – Mr. Thomson leads UN’s advocacy and public outreach efforts inside and outside of the UN system, ensuring that the many positive outcomes of ‘The 2017 Ocean Conference’, including the over 1500 voluntary commitments, are analysed and implemented.

SESSION 1: Liquid hydrogen vessels and systems

Moderator: Mark Cameron, COO Ardmore Shipping, will moderate the mornings sessions from a ship owners perspective.

 09:20 – 10:15 Presentations

  • Hydra – Lessons learned on world first blue water liquid hydrogen-electric hybrid ferry: Ivan Østvik, Project Manager, Norled AS. In this showcase, Ivan will tell us about the design of the vessel, the choice to use liquid hydrogen, the alternative design route and more.
  • World First Liquid Hydrogen Bunkering system: Steven Lua, CEO, Unitrove. Steven will speak about liquid and liquid-to-compressed-gas hydrogen bunkering systems.
  • Technology of a Liquid Hydrogen Fuelgas Supply System: Kristoffer Lorentsson, MAN Energy Solutions, Kristofer will explain the technology to store liquid hydrogen on board a ship, and supply gaseous hydrogen at correct temperature and pressure to the onboard consumers.

 10:15  – 10:40 Coffee break – Sponsored by Unitrove

SESSION 2: Game changer zero-emissions vessel projects

Moderator: Mark Cameron

 10:40 – 11:10 Presentations

  • Topeka – cutting through the chicken and egg dilemma of hydrogen: Tomas Tronstad Head of Shipping and Technology, Wilhelmsen New Energy AS Wilhelmsen is actively engaged in projects through the entire value chain of hydrogen; production, distribution, storage and use in various end-user applications.
  • World’s first Fully Zero Emissions Hydrogen Sailing Cargo vessel: Danielle Doggett, CEO, SAILCARGO INC. Danielle will present designs for combined hydrogen and wind propulsion, demonstrating the implementation of a hydrogen fuel cell system in zero emission cargo ships.

 11:10 – 11:40 Speakers panel discussion (Sessions 1 and 2), Audience Q&A

Moderator: Mark Cameron

11:40 – 12:30 Brainstorming session

12:30 – 14:00 Buffet Lunch & Networking Sponsored by SAILCARGO INC.

SESSION 3: Onboard Hydrogen Systems

14:00 – 14:45 Presentations

  • Why Zero Emissions, what impact will it have and how does such a solution look like? Johan Burgen, Business Manager at PowerCell Sweden AB
  • Fuel Cell Technology and Integration: Jogchum Bruinsma, Application Manager, Maritime, Nedstack Fuel Cell Technology. Jogchum will update us on the state of the art of marinized hydrogen fuel cells and how they are integrated into the ships power system.
  • Hurdles in exploring compressed hydrogen gas for maritime business: Håvard Stave, Hexagon Purus Technical Sales Manager Maritime. Implementing usage of compressed hydrogen gas as maritime alternative fuel calls for a disruptive innovation process.
  • “Sea Change”- Lessons learned on the world first gaseous hydrogen ferry: Joe Pratt CEO & CTO, Zero Emission Industries (formerly Golden Gate Zero Emission Marine). (Virtual presentation)

14:45– 15:05 Tea break, Sponsored by Future Proof Shipping

SESSION 4: Energy Safety and Global Supply

15:05 – 15:50 Presentations

  • Battery Safety and Creating Better Safety Standards: Brent Perry, ZESTAs Board Chair and CEO of SHIFT. Brent will discuss how battery safety is critical to broad adoption of electric vessels as we race toward zero shipping emissions.
  • Training Crews for Hydrogen Powered Ships: Mark Shinner, Curriculum Leader for Maritime Studies and Engineering, Orkney College. Orkney College is delivering the World’s first Government-recognised training course for crews of hydrogen fuelled vessels, working closely with the UK Maritime and Coastguard Agency.
  • Hydrogen in the Maritime – Safety challenges can be managed: Olav Roald Hansen, Founder, HYEX. Olav will speak about hydrogen safety; properties, risks and challenges.
  • Achieving a Levelized Cost of Hydrogen by 2030 – Chilean Green Hydrogen Strategy for Maritime Transport – Camilo Aviles, Head of New Energy Carriers Unit, Chilean Ministry of Energy.

 15:5016:30 Speakers panel discussion (Sessions 3 and 4) Audience Q&A

16:30 – 18:00 Brainstorming session

Gala Networking Dinner – Traditional Scottish “Burns Supper”

Hosted by SHIFT Clean Energy

18:30  Drinks reception

19:30 Seating begins

20:00 Speeches and Dinner

Welcome KeynoteBrent Perry, CEO, SHIFT Clean Energy

Graeme Dey, Minister for Transport, Scottish Government

 23:00 Carriages

Day 2 – Finance and Innovation

08:45 –08:50 Chairs welcome and opening and overview

08:50 – 09:15 Keynote address

How Financiers, Insurers and Cargo owners can enable innovation and accelerate the transition to true zero emissions.

Michael Parker, Chairman of Global Shipping, Citibank and Chairman of the Poseidon Principles Association.

SESSION 1: Financing Full Systems Change: Strategies & Initiatives

Moderator: D. Michael Adams, Ocean Assets Institute. Author, Shipping and Port Guidance, Sustainable Blue Economy Finance Principles, UNEP-FI.

09:15 – 10:00 Presentations

  • Poseidon Principles – Impact to date and next steps: Paul Taylor, Vice Chairman of the Poseidon Principles, Managing Director & Global Head of Shipping and Offshore, Société Generale
  • Blended Finance Solutions: Gregor Paterson-Jones, PJ & Company, Advisors on Infrastructure & Development Finance
  • A Shipowner’s Journey toward Sustainable Finance of Decarbonisation: Oistein Jensen, Chief Sustainability Officer, Odfjell SE.

10:00 – 10:30 Presenters’ panel, audience Q&A.      

Moderator: D. Michael Adams

10:30 – 10:50 Coffee break – Sponsored by Ocean Assets Institute

SESSION 2: Raising Capital: From Early to Growth-Stage Technologies

Moderator: Stuart MacDonald, Managing Partner, Bride Valley Partners. Capital raising for alternative funds and technologies.

10:50 – 11:10 Presentations

  • Success Stories – Starting with Investment Readiness:  Andrew Smith, Partner, Greenbackers
  • Funding Short-Term Emissions Reduction: Diane Gilpin, CEO, Smart Green Shipping
  • The power of co-creation in accelerating implementation of sustainable innovations: Nynke Visser, Owner, Innivity

11:10 – 11:40 Presenters’ panel, audience Q&A

Moderator: Stuart MacDonald

11:40 – 12:30 Brainstorming session

12:30 – 13:45 Buffet Lunch & Networking

SESSION 3: Energy Efficiency Innovations in Design

Moderator: Alisdair Pettigrew, Managing Director, BLUE

13:45 – 14:30 Presentations

  • Air Lubrication: David Connelly, Silverstream Technologies
  • CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) – How can we use CFD refined in ocean racing to optimize energy efficiency early in the design process?: Angus Gray and   Stephens Meng, Cape Horn Engineering.
  • Wind as main propulsion: Patrick Englebert, General Manager at PROPELWIND S.A.S., Zero-emission trimaran and monohull designs for commercial vessels using wind for main propulsion and green fuel for assistance

14:30 15:00 Presenters’panel, audience Q&A

15:00 – 15:20 Tea break

SESSION 4: Wind Propulsion Power Systems

Moderator: Amie Pascoe, Director, BLUE

15:20 – 16:05 Presentations

  • The DynaRig, A commercial Shipping Solution: Damon Roberts, DynaRig Team Authority, Southern Spars. The presentation will describe the route to commercialisation of this highly successful solution.
  • The Seawing, automated kite to power ships: Stéphanie Lesage, General Counsel and Corporate Secretary, The Seawing is an automated kite system, able to tow the biggest ships, reducing fuel consumption and associated emissions on average by 20% their fuel (Virtual presentation)
  • Suction Wing Sail: Frank Nieuwenhuis, CEO, Econowind – Containerised, on a flatrack, handled by the hatch crane of the ship, this technology can be retrofitted I the time it takes to load a container.

16:05 – 16:45 Presenters’ panel, audience Q&A

16:45 – 18:00 Brainstorming session

18:00 21:00 Brainstorming & Drinks Reception with Hors d’oeuvres

Day 3 – Zero Emissions Enablers, Policy, Ports and ZE Fuels

08:45 – 09:15 Keynote address

Achieving Zero GHG Emissions on a Global Scale – Common but Differentiated Responsibilities and Capabilities
How can we level the playing field for Least Developed Countries and Small Island Developing States?

Lydia Ngogi: Head of MTCC Africa

SESSION 1: Delivering Zero GHG Fuels in Ports

09:15 – 09:45 Presentations

  • UK National Clean Maritime Demonstration Hub: Stuart Barnes, Clean Maritime Innovation Lead, Offshore Renewable Energy Catapult (OREC). Stuart will describe the features of the OREC Hub that support the development of ZE fueling facilities
  • Renewable Electricity for Ships and Ports: Brent Perry, ZESTAs Board Chairman and CEO of SHIFT. Brent will speak about technological advances in the electrification of ports and other maritime systems.

09:45 – 10:05 Presenters’ panel, audience Q&A

10:05 – 10:25 Coffee Break – Zero Emissions Maritime Technology, ltd

SESSION 2: Market Factors

Moderator: Nick Brown, Global Brand and Communications Director, Marine & Offshore, Bureau Veritas

10:25 – 11:25 Presentations

  • Carbon Tax Options for International Shipping: Michael Prehn, IMO Representative for the Solomon Islands
  • International Maritime Research Board: John Bradshaw, Technical Director – Safety & Environment, Deputy Secretary General, World Shipping Council
  • ICS Carbon Levy: Simon Bennett, Deputy Secretary General,International Chamber of Shipping
  • Sustainability Metrics for Shipping: Benjamin Lechaptois, Sustainability Strategy Leader, Bureau Veritas Marine & Offshore
  • CoZEV Cargo Owner Commitment: Nishatabbas Rehmatulla, principal research fellow at the UCL Energy Institute, will explain this initiative where cargo owners are committing to absolute zero emissions on a full lifecycle greenhouse gas emissions counting basis in contrast to net zero emissions, thus ruling out carbon offsets. (Virtual presentation)

11:25 – 11:55 Presenters’ panel, audience Q&A

Moderator: Nick Brown, Bureau Veritas

11:55 –  13:00 Light Buffet Lunch

SESSION 3: The Policy Picture

13:00 – 14:00 Presentations

Moderator: Dr Dwayne Ryan Menezes MA PhD (Cantab) FRHistS FRGS FRSA Founder and Managing Director, Polar Research and Policy Initiative

  • IMO Initial Strategy – Moving on with Midterm Measures: Camille Bourgeon, IMO Marine Environment Division
  • USA – New Beginnings: Jeff Lantz, US Coast Guard, US IMO Head of D (Virtual presentation)
  • Europe’s GHG Emissions Reduction Strategy: Jacob Armstrong, Sustainable Shipping Officer, Transport & Environment (T&E). Jacob will discuss how the European Commission’s recent shipping package hopes to catalyse the transition to zero-emission shipping.
  • Mandating the Transition to Zero-Emission Vessels: Bryan Comer, PhD, Marine Program Lead, International Council on Clean Transportation. Bryan will discuss the role of command and control policies. (Virtual presentation)

14:00 – 14:30 Presenters’ panel audience Q&A

14:30 – 15:00 Scottish High Tea – Sponsored by Fair Winds Trust

15:00 – 15:50 Final Brainstorming session

15:50 – 16:00 Closing Observations and Next Steps on the Voyage to True Zero

16:00 Finish

Diamond Sponsor


Platinum SPONSOR



Zestas member Nedstack image


Zestas member Powercell
ZESTAs Bronze Partner

Supporting Partners

Shipping Insight
Houlder logo
Unitrove Logo
Polar Research & Policy Initiative
World Shipping Council_
International Chamber of Shipping
Societe Generale
Smart Green Shipping
ZESTAs Partner Orkney College
ZESTAs ShipZero Partner Zero Emission Industries
WORLD Hydrogen Leaders
Future Proof Shipping

Initiating Partners

DUAL Ports logo
Fair Winds Trust
Energy Port of Oostende logo

Communication Partners

Fair Winds Trust

Morgan Marketing

& Communications

Media Partners

The Maritime Executive
The Maritime Executive
The Maritime Executive
The Maritime Executive
The Maritime Executive
The Maritime Executive
The Maritime Executive
The Maritime Executive

Our Members

Click on the logos to see the member pages

Future Proof Shipping
Powercell logo 23
Unitrove Logo
ZESTAs member Marine Zero
ZESTAs Member Artemis
ZESTAs member Propelwind
ZESTAs member Hylium Ind
ZESTAs Bronze Partner
Cape Horn Engineering logo

Associate Members

ZESTAs Gold Sponsor Bureau Veritas
Solis Marine Logo
ZESTAs member Veer
ZESTAs Associate Member Kennedys
ZESTAs member Glo Marine
Global Maritime
ZESTAs member Glo Marine
Arena Ocean Hyway Cluster

Affiliate Members

African Hydrogen Partnership
Tanzania Environment and Empowerment Movement
Maritime Battery Forum


Shipping Insight

Knowledge Partners

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Zestas member Nedstack image
Zestas member Powercell
ZESTAs Bronze Partner
Shipping Insight
Houlder logo
Unitrove Logo
Polar Research & Policy Initiative
World Shipping Council_
International Chamber of Shipping
Societe Generale
Smart Green Shipping
ZESTAs Partner Orkney College
ZESTAs ShipZero Partner Zero Emission Industries
WORLD Hydrogen Leaders
Future Proof Shipping
DUAL Ports logo
Fair Winds Trust
Energy Port of Oostende logo
Fair Winds Trust
The Maritime Executive
The Maritime Executive
The Maritime Executive
The Maritime Executive
The Maritime Executive
The Maritime Executive
The Maritime Executive
The Maritime Executive
Future Proof Shipping
Powercell logo 23
Unitrove Logo
ZESTAs member Marine Zero
ZESTAs Member Artemis
ZESTAs member Propelwind
ZESTAs member Hylium Ind
ZESTAs Bronze Partner
Cape Horn Engineering logo
ZESTAs Gold Sponsor Bureau Veritas
Solis Marine Logo
ZESTAs member Veer
ZESTAs Associate Member Kennedys
ZESTAs member Glo Marine
Global Maritime
ZESTAs member Glo Marine
Arena Ocean Hyway Cluster
African Hydrogen Partnership
Tanzania Environment and Empowerment Movement
Maritime Battery Forum
Shipping Insight
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